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History at St James's

The  History department at St James’s aims to make the learning of History accessible for all challenging to all engaging for all.

Pupils will:

  • Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s island story and that of its place within the context of the wider world which helps to stimulate their curiosity to know more about the past and therefore have an understanding of the events/controversies of the present.
  • Gain a coherent understanding of the wider aspects of world history which have both shaped the world at the time and continue to play a significant role in our world today.
  • To begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Therefore as the pupils begin to learn and develop on this journey they will, with increasing confidence, speak, write, act and think like historians.


Please click below to view what you will study in History

5 year Learning Journey

Year 7 Fundamentals
Year 8 Fundamentals
Year 9 Fundamentals

  • TTLP