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Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education at St James's

PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and Citizenship are 2 separate subjects although there is sometimes overlap in the content. Pupils will have either one PSHEE or one Citizenship lesson a week. Below is further information about PSHEE.

Please refer to the Citizenship Subject Overview for further information on Citizenship at St. James’s.

Part of the success of the PSHEE (and Citizenship) Department is due to the thread that runs throughout both curriculums focusing on each and every pupil always being at the centre of what we do. The PSHEE curriculum at St. James’s has traditionally had the ‘Caring for Others’ part of the school’s ethos at its heart as seen through providing pupils from Years 7 to 11 with the knowledge / guidance to help them stay safe and healthy, make the right choices and decisions, manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way and an awareness of where help, support and advice can be sought.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is relevant to pupils both now and in the future. We aim to provide pupils with the learning opportunities they need if they are to develop into competent adults, confident in themselves and their skills, qualities and abilities to make appropriate and safe choices and a worthwhile contribution to society, both now and in their lives beyond St. James’s, including when they are in the workplace. 

It provides a suitable and safe forum for discussion on a wide range of topics including bullying, healthy eating, emotional wellbeing and mental health, drugs and alcohol, relationships and sex education, child sexual exploitation, online safety, financial capability, careers, work experience … Basically, you name it, we cover it! The topics we cover are REAL and the timetabled lessons allow us to react to and educate on key issues raised either by society or by pupils.

Guest speakers are sometimes invited to lead sessions as part of the PSHE programme to share their valuable expertise on certain topics such as further and higher education. We expect very high standards of behaviour at all times but particularly when visitors are in lessons. Pupils whose behaviour falls below these expectations will be removed from the activity and supervised elsewhere.

If you would like to find out more about our PSHEE programme and the Relationships and Sex Education aspects of this programme, please visit the relevant section of the school website where you will find the Relationship and Sex Education Policy which includes an overview of the PSHEE curriculum and a link to the statutory guidance. Having read these documents, if you have any questions or comments, you can contact the Head of Department at gregorys@st-james.bolton.sch.uk

Curriculum Features

There are 3 key PSHEE themes:

Please click on the Learning Journey below to see what you will study in the PSHEE (and Citizenship) curriculums.

PSHEE (and Citizenship) Learning Journey Y7-Y10
PSHEE (and Citizenship) Learning Journey Y11

Key Stage 3

Please click on the KS3 PSHEE Topic Overviews below to see each topic in more detail.

Year 7 PSHEE Topic Overview
Year 8 PSHEE Topic Overview
Year 9 PSHEE Topic Overview

Key Stage 4

Please click on the KS4 PSHEE Topic Overviews below to see each topic in more detail.

Year 10 PSHEE Topic Overview
Year 11 PSHEE Topic Overview

What makes a good PSHEE student?

  • TTLP